<< 70. Jalum Tome
Serrated Arrows 72. >>

(Nevinyrral's Disk)

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Lien Gatherer

Texte VF


Le Disque de Nevinyrral arrive sur le champ de bataille engagé.
, : Détruisez tous les artefacts, les créatures et les enchantements.

Texte VO

Nevinyrral's Disk


Nevinyrral's Disk enters the battlefield tapped.
, : Destroy all artifacts, creatures, and enchantments.

Disponibilités :
Commander MastersNM/MT1.50 €
Modern Horizons 2NM/MT1.00 €
Modern Horizons 2NM/MT1.90 €
Commander LegendsNM/MT1.00 €
Commander LegendsNM/MT1.00 €
Commander 2017NM/MT1.00 €
Commander 2016NM/MT1.00 €
Commander 2016NM/MT1.00 €
Eternal MastersNM/MT1.00 €
Commander 2014NM/MT1.00 €
Commander 2014NM/MT1.00 €
Commander 2013NM/MT1.00 €
4th EditionNM/MT6.00 €
